Impact Mens Roster 🔊 Play Be sure to join our WWE / AEW Discord server and connect with other pro wrestling fans. Impact Mens RosterrosterReal nameAce Austin-Acey Romero-Adam Thornstowe-Bhupinder Singh-Chris Bey-Cody Deaner-Crazzy Steve-Daga-Dave Crist-Dezmond Xavier-Eddie Edwards-Fallah Bahh-Hernandez-Jake Crist-Jake Deaner-Johnny Swinger-Joseph P. Ryan-Josh Alexander-Ken Shamrock-Larry D-Luster the Legend-Madman Fulton-Michael Elgin-Moose-Petey Williams-Raj Singh-Rhino-Rich Swann-Rob Van Dam-Rohit Raju-Sami Callihan-Shera-Shogun Jackson Stone-Suicide-TJP-Tommy Dreamer-Trey Miguel-Willie Mack-Zachary Wentz-