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AEW’s Slow Ticket Sales for Arlington Residency: An Uphill Battle

One Big Thing

AEW’s upcoming summer residency at the Esports Stadium in Arlington, Texas, is off to a sluggish start in terms of ticket sales, casting doubts on the viability of this experimental approach.

Key Points

  • The residency spans five episodes of “AEW Collision,” one “AEW Rampage,” two ROH tapings, and the ROH Death Before Dishonor pay-per-view.
  • First-week ticket sales are underwhelming, with only 472 tickets sold for the July 20 “AEW Collision,” 565 for Death Before Dishonor, and 701 for the July 27 edition.
  • The Esports Stadium will be scaled to open 1,333 seats, a slight increase from the initially reported 1,290.
  • AEW needs to sell approximately 5,000 tickets across the four-week period to cover the venue costs.

Why It Matters

The lackluster ticket sales raise concerns about the sustainability of AEW’s residency model. As Dave Meltzer noted, maintaining consistent interest in a single venue over an extended period is challenging for most wrestling promotions. If the first week’s sales are any indication, AEW may face an uphill battle in filling seats and generating excitement for the upcoming shows.

Moreover, the financial implications are significant. With a target of 5,000 tickets to break even on venue costs, AEW will need to ramp up its promotional efforts and hope for a surge in fan interest. The company must also juggle this residency with its ongoing touring schedule for “Dynamite,” adding further complexity to the situation.

The Bottom Line

AEW’s Arlington residency is a bold experiment, but the early ticket sales suggest that the company may have overestimated fan demand for such an extended stay in one location. As the weeks progress, AEW will need to adapt its strategy and find ways to entice fans to attend multiple shows in the same venue. The success or failure of this residency could have significant implications for AEW’s future booking decisions and financial stability.

What do you think about AEW’s decision to hold a residency in Arlington? Will you be attending any of the shows? Leave a comment below and share your thoughts!

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