Bryan Danielson recently spoke to Justin Barrasso of Sports Illustrated and shared his thoughts on the incident involving CM Punk. Notably, CM Punk was released by AEW after an internal investigation found him guilty in an altercation with Jack Perry.
AEW Collision was built with CM Punk as the face, and now Bryan Danielson has replaced him as the face of the show. AEW has had multiple backstage issues involving CM Punk. ‘The American Dragon’ has spoken on the matter now and shared what he feels on what transpired with the ‘Second City Saviour.’
In any job, when you lose somebody who’s very important, or you lose somebody you really like working with, that’s hard. But everyone keeps doing the job. And any time there is loss or controversy or struggle inside an organization, it’s a chance to bring people closer. It’s also a chance to divide people. So you have this thing where you can use struggle to make your life worse, or you can use struggle to make your life better. When I lost my father, I came out on the backside. I was worse. Struggling with my depression, I’ve come out of it better. So how you approach something and how you learn from something, that’s what makes the difference.
With Bryan Danielson sharing his aspect on the entire situation, one would have to see on how AEW Collision goes ahead without CM Punk in the front seat.
Will AEW be able to pull off the ticket sales like they did when CM Punk was in the system or will it be tough for them to make things happen in the long run? Sound off in the comments.