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Mercedes Mone and Shane McMahon’s AEW Chat at LaGuardia Airport

One big thing: Mercedes Mone and Shane McMahon discussed AEW at LaGuardia Airport

PWInsider reports that Mercedes Mone and Shane McMahon were spotted talking about AEW at LaGuardia Airport in New York, just a day after AEW Forbidden Door.

Key details:

• Multiple sources confirmed the encounter between Mone and McMahon.
• One source verified they discussed AEW during their conversation.
• The meeting occurred as both were heading to their respective flights.
• McMahon was not seen at the previous night’s Forbidden Door event.

Why it matters

This conversation fuels speculation about potential AEW involvement for both high-profile wrestling figures:

• Mone recently retained her TBS Championship and won the NJPW Strong Women’s Championship at Forbidden Door.
• McMahon currently has no contractual ties to WWE, according to recent reports.

What they’re saying

• Tony Khan on Shane McMahon rumors: “I’ve never met Shane McMahon, but he is always welcome in AEW.”

The big picture

While this airport encounter doesn’t confirm any official plans, it adds to the ongoing buzz about potential AEW acquisitions and collaborations.

What to watch:

• Any official statements from AEW, Mone, or McMahon regarding potential involvement.
• Future appearances or mentions of McMahon in AEW programming.
• Mone’s next moves following her double championship win at Forbidden Door.

What do you think about the possibility of Shane McMahon joining AEW? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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