Before they were top WWE/NXT competitors, both Kyle O’Reilly and Bobby Fish tore it up on the independent circuit as ReDRagon. It was as ReDRagon that they were able to showcase their skills, blending classic mat wrestling and the martial arts. They became fan favorites and the rest of their careers can definitely be attributed to the attention they garnered for themselves during those early days.
Of course their time in NXT would be instrumental to that end as well, but they have both since left NXT in search of a platform that was more favorable for pro wrestlers that were intent on delivering high octane matches and very physical technical matches.
Enter AEW.
Bryan Danielson had similar sentiments, and shared these thoughts when he joined AEW in the later portion of 2021. Of course Kyle O’Reilly is similar to Danielson in wrestling style and physique, so the comparisons don’t simply end in their current frame of mind.
But just who can ReDRagon face now that they’re here?
And it is with ReDRagon’s being in AEW that O’Reilly himself made some statements on potential rivalries the fans can expect. He made the following statements while speaking on The Sessions with Renee Paquette:
“The Young Bucks are a team that Bobby and I have literally fought all over the world…It’s been a few years since that’s happened, so of course, that’s going to happen. The Lucha Brothers. FTR is another rematch. We did one in NXT where we had really great chemistry with those guys. In the same vein, similar philosophies and similar styles, just a hard-hitting, vigorous wrestling style, I guess. I’d love to take that match back. There are so many great tag teams there, there really are. Who knows?
Are Bryan and Moxley going to be a tag team now? We don’t know…You can tell that he really, really cares about this…For a guy that has so much going on with AEW, with the Jaguars, with Fullham, the guy is working so much. And for him to still give me the time of the day and genuinely look me in the eyes and give me a straight-up answer, and be enthused about me and my family growing, and for him to genuinely care about that, that’s pretty special. When you have a boss like that, you want to go to war for them. So I’m very motivated to get back in there…
I’ve only had one match, so I feel I haven’t even scratched the surface in showing him what I can bring to the table. I look forward to showing him he made the right call in bringing me over.”
Transcription – Wrestling Inc.
Some of the above would be rematches of course, as O’Reilly mentioned…they had run-ins in the past with the likes of FTR and the Bucks, but that wouldn’t mean it wouldn’t be epic to see any one of those again, and in AEW to boot.
8 potential matches for ReDRagon in AEW
So in addition to the aforementioned Lucha Bros., FTR, Young Bucks and a potential match with Mox and Danielson (should they become a team in the future), here are a few more….
8. Hager and Jericho
Jericho and Hager have their hands full with Santana and Ortiz right now, but that doesn’t mean this wouldn’t be interesting to watch. The styles don’t exactly mesh between the two teams, but that doesn’t mean that it wouldn’t come off right. Sometimes opposites attract—even in pro wrestling.
7. Santana and Ortiz
And speaking of these two, they would be the perfect opponents for ReDRagon…both teams aggressive in their style, gritty and ready to boldly go to dark places; this one would deliver in the aforementioned high octane department for sure.
6. Darby Allin & Sting
The team that keeps on giving…this one should definitely be a crowd pleaser for sure. Besides…they’ve had run-ins with one Darby Allin before…
5. Jurassic Express
The top of the heap so to speak, and they’re doing a damn good job for the division. If these two can hold onto the titles then this would be a good angle to take in order to put ReDRagon in the top spot they deserve to be in.
4. The Acclaimed
Promising young talents. They have proven themselves in matches. But can they keep up with the likes of ReDRagon? There’s only one way to find out.
3. Jeff & Matt Hardy
The returning of Jeff Hardy to his brother’s side will be epic. Nothing is signed yet, apparently, and as far as we know, but this move seems imminent. A match with ReDRagon would be picture perfect in my opinion.
2. Best Friends
Chuck Taylor and Trent Beretta deliver every time they step through the ropes and if you look closely, their styles are similar to ReDRagon only in one way: They push the boundaries of what a pro wrestling tag match should be. ReDRagon takes the upper hand because of their martial arts background, but to watch the Best Friends struggling to keep up is exactly what might be attractive in this type of match.
1. The Gunn Club
My number one pick because I really see a lot of their father in them. Both Colton and Austin show shades of Billy Gunn and that’s a massive comparison if you ask this writer. Billy Gunn is of course one of the greatest tag wrestlers in history—he is a 16-time tag champion, across many promotions (10 times in WWE with 3 partners, Road Dogg, Chuck Palumbo and Bart Gunn).
If Colton and Austin continue to listen to their father’s guidance, then they’ll have the tag titles in no time, and that would be an epic tag match to see…they defending the title or vying for the title (either works), against the likes of ReDRagon. Fingers crossed, dear readers.
NEXT: Cody Rhodes Leaves AEW Amidst WWE Return Speculation—Josh Alexander’s Impact Contract & Visa Expire