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Taz Calls Out Jordynne Grace Over Trademarked Catchphrase

One big thing: Taz confronts Jordynne Grace over catchphrase use

ECW and WWE legend Taz publicly called out TNA Knockouts Champion Jordynne Grace for using his trademarked catchphrase on social media.

The details:

• Grace tweeted a gym photo with the caption: “Beat me if you can. Survive if I let you.”

• Taz responded, pointing out his trademark ownership of the phrase.

• When a fan defended Grace, Taz explained that trademark issues are complex.

• Grace later tweeted: “Not being able to quote legends that I’ve emulated for years wasn’t in my pro wrestling handbook, but duly noted.”

Why it matters:

This incident highlights the complexities of intellectual property in professional wrestling, where catchphrases and gimmicks can be legally protected.

It also underscores the potential pitfalls for younger wrestlers paying homage to their inspirations in the social media age.

By the numbers:

• Taz’s catchphrase has been associated with him since his ECW days in the late 1990s.

• Grace has over 178,000 followers on Twitter, amplifying the reach of her posts.

The big picture:

As wrestling continues to evolve in the digital era, navigating the line between homage and infringement becomes increasingly important for up-and-coming stars.

This situation serves as a reminder for wrestlers to be cautious about using trademarked content, even in seemingly innocuous social media posts.

What do you think about the importance of protecting catchphrases in professional wrestling? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.

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