Just who will be Zack Sabre Jr’s opponent at Forbidden Door on Sunday? We’ve been contemplating this very mystery since Wednesday night on Dynamite when Bryan Danielson stated that he had found the world’s greatest technical wrestler.
Seeing that Danielson would be out of action, he took it upon himself to find a replacement (in storyline of course).
Well, as it turns out, it isn’t just us pro wrestling journalists and you fans out there that have gotten extremely excited, dear readers, because AEW President, founder, CEO and co-owner, Tony Khan, is also as excited as any of you out there could ever be. The old term “like a kid in a candy store,” certainly comes to mind here.

As it turns out he had some statements to make on the moment when this mystery competitor gets unleashed onto his audience at Forbidden Door. He made the following statements via a media call as per Wrestling Inc. Here’s what he had to say on the whole mystery:
“Talk about the one-two punch of injuries, losing CM Punk and Bryan Danielson, two of the greatest professional wrestlers of all time…Bryan Danielson is so valuable to the company, backstage and of course on-screen. And most importantly on-screen, fans were so excited for Forbidden Door, him wrestling Zack Sabre Jr…
I think the anticipation was there, we had been hoping that we could really start building it up and Bryan was really starting to feel well after ‘Anarchy in the Arena’. He didn’t have any doubts whatsoever, I just didn’t want to take a chance … So I shut him down, and I think it was the right thing to do…
It was one of those also perfect situations, because rarely do the stars align where you have a mystery opponent and a chance to build up a moment like this…It’s very fitting to go back to the United Center, where we’ve only had one show, and it was a great moment, and I know for sure we’re going to have that great moment…
I think there’s going to be a lot of great moments to expect on the show, but one thing I know is this great moment, when we introduce Zack Sabre Jr’s mystery opponent. I’m really excited about it and I wish it had happened under different circumstances.”
via Wrestling Inc.
As we’ve also reported, the two names being thrown around out there are of course CSRO, the former Cesaro in WWE, and of course “Johnny Wrestling” himself, Johnny Gargano.
Gargano will apparently be in Chicago for a public appearance at that time but stated on Twitter that he was in town for that event and that event only, but still, that could be to draw the attention away from himself to keep the surprise going….
Here’s some of what he said on Twitter to perhaps diffuse the situation:
“I promise you this is ridiculously coincidental and has been booked for months. I’ll only be in Chicago for like 8 hours! *I also realize in saying this that only like 5% of you are going to believe I’m actually telling the truth.”
via Johnny Gargano on Twitter
But CSRO makes a lot of sense a swell, or rather perhaps more so if we look at the link he has to Danielson (their last storyline together in WWE and all, as I mentioned last time I covered this subject in a piece).
Also of note here though: Remember that not only will this wrestler be at Forbidden Door replacing Danielson against Sabre, but also he will by default also be replacing Danielson in the Blood & Guts match at Blood And Guts next Wednesday!
Lots to look forward to, dear readers. Stay tuned.
NEXT: Hangman Adam Page On His Run As AEW World Champ—Sasha Banks Update