All Elite Wrestling brings to you their Fight For The Fallen PPV Event which emanates from Daily’s Place Amphitheater in Jacksonville, Florida.
Advertised for tonight’s PPV: Cody Rhodes and Dustin Rhodes takes on The Young Bucks (Matt and Nick Jackson) in a Tag Team Match, Kenny Omega faces CIMA in a Singles Match, Brandi Rhodes takes on Allie in a Women’s Division Singles Match, “Hangman” Adam Page battles Kip Sabian in a Singles Match, The Lucha Brothers (Pentagon Jr. and Rey Fenix) takes on SCU (“The Heavy Metal Rebel” Frankie Kazarian and Scorpio Sky) in a Tag Team Match, MJF, Shawn Spears and Sammy Guevara battles “The Bad Boy” Joey Janela, Darby Allin and Jimmy Havoc in a Six-Man Tag Team Match, The Dark Order (Evil Uno and Stu Grayson) takes on Jack Evans and Angelico and Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus in a Three-Way Match where the winners will be moving on to next month’s AEW All Out PPV Event for an opportunity at a first round bye in the AEW World Tag Team Title Tournament, Chris Jericho will be having a live mic segment, Sonny Kiss faces “The Librarian” Peter Avalon w/ “The Librarian” Leva Bates in a Singles Match taking place on The Fight For The Fallen Buy In Pre-Show and Dr. Britt Baker and Riho faces Bea Priestley and Shoko Nakajima in a Women’s Division Tag Team Match also taking place on The Fight For The Fallen Buy In Pre-Show.
Below are the full results from the show:
Fight For The Fallen Buy In Pre-Show:
Excalibur and Alex Marvez welcomes us to The Fight For The Fallen Buy In Pre-Show.
“The Librarian” Peter Avalon and “The Librarian” Leva Bates make their way down to the ring for the first match of the evening. Avalon shushes the crowd before he tries to get into something that is very important. Before he can say much, Sonny Kiss’ music hits and he comes down to the ring to do a dance routine with some Jacksonville Jaguar cheerleaders.
Sonny Kiss def. “The Librarian” Peter Avalon via pinfall after a split leg drop from the second rope.
.@SonnyKissXO won't be silenced! #FightForTheFallen
— TDE Wrestling (@tde_wrestling) July 13, 2019
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We head backstage where Jen Decker talks with Cody Rhodes and Dustin Rhodes. Cody is asked about the show and giving back to victims of gun violence. Cody says that he couldn’t be happier to give it back to a community that needs it. Cody is then asked about facing The Young Bucks. He says that they are west coast offense, new schools, flips and all, but if they latch onto a body part, what will they do? Dustin then says that he plans on slamming them both to the mat so hard that their souls will leave their bodies. Cody is then asked if he is feeling 100% for the match after taking the vicious chair shot from Shawn Spears at AEW Fyter Fest. Cody says that he wouldn’t be here if he wasn’t 100%. Cody also says that the brotherhood is better than the bucks.
Bea Priestley and Shoko Nakajima def. Dr. Britt Baker and Riho when Nakajima rolls up Riho into a pinning predicament when she delivered a frankensteiner. After the match, Bea Priestley and Dr. Britt Baker fight each other a bit before their joshi partners pull them off.
Amazing to see World of Stardom Champion @BeaPriestley and the #tjpw TOKYO Princess of Princess Champion @nk147cm in the same corner! #FightForTheFallen
— TDE Wrestling (@tde_wrestling) July 13, 2019
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.@nk147cm and @riho_gtmv know each other so well! #FightForTheFallen
— TDE Wrestling (@tde_wrestling) July 13, 2019
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We head backstage where Jen Decker talks with Kip Sabian and asks him if he feels like an underdog against “Hangman” Adam Page. Sabian says that a lot of people seem to think it’s all about Page and Sabian is just in it to fill a spot. Sabian then says that he is not just going to be a part of the roster and cash his checks. He continues and says that he is not just the best from his country, but he is one of the best in the world. Sabian is then asked if a win over Page will put him in title contention. Sabian then takes the mic and tells Page that he doesn’t have any animosity towards him, but him being involved in The Elite, he is kind of handed things. Sabian then says that Page has forgotten him and is just focused on Chris Jericho. Sabian then says that he hopes Page defeats Jericho, because he will be first in line after he beats Page in their match. This marks the end of The Fallen Buy In Pre-Show.
Main Show:
Jim Ross makes his way out and heads to the commentary booth. Commentary then previews some of the featured matchups.
MJF, Shawn Spears & Sammy Guevara def. “The Bad Boy” Joey Janela, Jimmy Havoc & Darby Allin via pinfall after Spears hit Allin with a running Death Valley Driver. After the match, Spears soaks up the win, gives the “ten” taunt to the crowd and then eyes MJF who looked like he was going to try and attack Spears, but MJF backs off.
.@JANELABABY coming in hot! #FightForTheFallen
— TDE Wrestling (@tde_wrestling) July 14, 2019
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.@JANELABABY with greetings and salutations for Sammy! #FightForTheFallen
— TDE Wrestling (@tde_wrestling) July 14, 2019
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Shahid Khan and Private Party were shown in the crowd. JeBailey is also shown sitting next to them, but security tells him it’s a private party and he gets kicked out.
Brandi Rhodes def. Allie via pinfall after Rhodes hits Allie with a bionic spear. After the match, Brandi and Awesome Kong attack Allie. Aja Kong’s music hits and that stops Brandi and Awesome Kong. Brandi bails out of the ring. Aja and Awesome stare at each other in the middle of the ring. The referees get in the ring to separate the two. Brandi hops back in to pull Awesome Kong away. Aja looks over at Allie and helps her up.
Better keep your attention focused on @TheBrandiRhodes, Allie! #FightForTheFallen
— TDE Wrestling (@tde_wrestling) July 14, 2019
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.@AllieImpact superkick! #FightForTheFallen
— TDE Wrestling (@tde_wrestling) July 14, 2019
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The Dark Order (Evil Uno and Stu Grayson) def. Angelico and Jack Evans and Luchasaurus and Jungle Boy via pinfall after The Dark Order hit their tandem finish The Fatality (a Gory Special into a bulldog) on Jungle Boy to move on to next month’s AEW All Out PPV Event for an opportunity at a first round bye in the AEW World Tag Team Title Tournament.
.@boy_myth_legend on his own, but taking the fight to the Dark Order! #FightForTheFallen
— TDE Wrestling (@tde_wrestling) July 14, 2019
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“Hangman” Adam Page def. Kip Sabian via pinfall with the Dead Eye with only a minute remaining in the matchup. After the match, a man with a Dark Order mask attacks Hangman Page. He begins beating the heck out of Page and hits a codebreaker. Jericho removes the mask and smiles. Page is busted open now. Referees in there trying to stop this. Jericho hits the judas effect on Page and he drops instantly. Crowd with a “Thank you, Jericho” chant and he flips them off. They stop. He heads to the back as referee tend to a bloodied Page.
.@TheKipSabian endearing himself to one and all. #FightForTheFallen
— TDE Wrestling (@tde_wrestling) July 14, 2019
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.@JRsBBQ: "That's a British lawn dart!" @theAdamPage LAUNCHES Sabian! #FightForTheFallen
— TDE Wrestling (@tde_wrestling) July 14, 2019
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Well, well, well… should've known @IAmJericho would be introducing himself to Page sooner or later! #FightForTheFallen
— TDE Wrestling (@tde_wrestling) July 14, 2019
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The Lucha Brothers (Pentagon Jr. and Rey Fenix) def. SCU (Scorpio Sky and “The Heavy Metal Rebel” Frankie Kazarian w/ “The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels) via pinfall after Pentagon Jr. delivered a package piledriver to Scorpio Sky. After the match, Daniels comes back in to help the other two members of SCU and ends up eating a ladder from The Lucha Brothers. They smack Kazarian with it, as well. The ladder is setup in the middle of the ring and the brothers climb up. He takes the mic and gets the crowd to do a “Cero Miedo” chant. At the top, Pentagon Jr. says that they are the best tag team on the planet. They have a message for The Young Bucks: a ladder match in Chicago at All Out.
Nailed it, @RefAubrey! #FightForTheFallen
— TDE Wrestling (@tde_wrestling) July 14, 2019
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Arabian Press from the immortal @facdaniels! #FightForTheFallen
— TDE Wrestling (@tde_wrestling) July 14, 2019
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Check the elevation! Assisted DDT from @FrankieKazarian and @ScorpioSky! #FightForTheFallen
— TDE Wrestling (@tde_wrestling) July 14, 2019
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.@ReyFenixMx and @PENTAELZEROM want a rematch with @MattJackson13 and @NickJacksonYB at #AEWAllOut… and the stakes have been raised! #FightForTheFallen
— TDE Wrestling (@tde_wrestling) July 14, 2019
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Kenny Omega def. CIMA via pinfall with a One Winged Angel.
.@supercima1115 not backing down at all to Omega! #FightForTheFallen
— TDE Wrestling (@tde_wrestling) July 14, 2019
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CIMA represented a huge test for Omega, but @KennyOmegamanX is up for the challenge! #FightForTheFallen
— TDE Wrestling (@tde_wrestling) July 14, 2019
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Chris Jericho makes his way down to the ring for his live mic segment. He grabs a mic and says that he is looking at the blood from Adam Page that is still on his hand. Jericho then says that he still wants his “thank you,” and not from the fans. He starts ripping on the city’s name and soaks in the boos. Jericho then says that he will get his thank you by beating everyone in AEW, starting with Page. Jericho then says that if he wasn’t there, the fans wouldn’t be there and they would be turning in cans for change. He then says that the TNT deal is due to him. Jericho then says that he watched the battle royal to see who he would eventually face and it ended up being Page. Jericho then says that Page is one of the best performers he has seen in years and he stays up at night worrying about this match because if Page wins, it’s just another notch in his belt. But if he loses, it will be the beginning of the end for AEW and Jericho’s career. Jericho then wonders where he will go from there if he does lose, so he has to beat “The Hangman.” Jericho then says that at All Out, he will be the champion and without him AEW wouldn’t exist. He then says that Page is nothing but a “little b—-.” Page then charges towards then ring and takes down Jericho. Officials and referees try to pull them away from each other and Page takes out some of the officials. Now some wrestlers have come out to stop things. Jericho ends up out on the floor and makes his way to the stage. Avalon is out there and the crowd is “shushing” as Jericho heads backstage. Page is still pissed off as he makes his way to the back.
Thanks for coming out tonight, @IAmJericho! #FightForTheFallen
— TDE Wrestling (@tde_wrestling) July 14, 2019
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- The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson and Nick Jackson) def. Cody Rhodes and Dustin Rhodes via pinfall after The Young Bucks hit a Meltzer Driver on Cody Rhodes. After the match, Matt takes the mic and says that he knows they have been making fun of Cody and Dustin, but it was all in the spirit of competition. Matt and Nick then says that they have been all over and wrestled everyone. The Bucks then says that they heard of the myth of The Rhodes brothers. Matt then says that he doesn’t watch much of the “other product,” so he didn’t get to see much of their work. Matt then says that Cody and Dustin are one of the best team they have ever been in the ring with. Music suddenly hits and Brandi Rhodes, Kenny Omega, Shahid Khan, and other talent come out to show off the check. The event raised $150,000 for victims of gun violence. Rhodes says “you can’t counter-program” what All Elite Wrestling is doing. Rhodes then asks the crowd if they are coming with them when AEW hits TNT in the fall. Cody then says that he doesn’t have a signature sign-off line, so he passes it to Kenny Omega who slightly adjusts his sign-off, instead of saying “bang,” he says “boing.”
.@MattJackson13 and @NickJacksonYB are MONEY! #FightForTheFallen
— TDE Wrestling (@tde_wrestling) July 14, 2019
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.@CodyRhodes needed family in his corner. He's got it in spades with @dustinrhodes. #FightForTheFallen
— TDE Wrestling (@tde_wrestling) July 14, 2019
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Do something cool, @MattJackson13 and @NickJacksonYB! #FightForTheFallen
— TDE Wrestling (@tde_wrestling) July 14, 2019
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.@dustinrhodes takes out the Bucks! #FightForTheFallen
— TDE Wrestling (@tde_wrestling) July 14, 2019
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.@NickJacksonYB on a roll! #FightForTheFallen
— TDE Wrestling (@tde_wrestling) July 14, 2019
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Might not have been the result @CodyRhodes and @dustinrhodes were looking for, but they've got @MattJackson13 and @NickJacksonYB's respect for sure. #FightForTheFallen
— TDE Wrestling (@tde_wrestling) July 14, 2019
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Maybe not his usual sign off, but @KennyOmegamanX still must bid you all adieu! #FightForTheFallen
— TDE Wrestling (@tde_wrestling) July 14, 2019
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