This week’s episode of Dark opens up with “The Human Suplex Machine” Taz and Excalibur welcoming fans to another jam-packed edition of the show from inside Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida as we are sent to ringside for the first match of the evening.
Lee Moriarty def. Leon Ruffin in a Singles Match.
A huge win for @TheLeeMoriarty on #AEWDark tonight, picking up momentum ahead of his #AEWRampage match this Friday, as he teams with @TheJonGresham to face the #GatesOfAgony! Don’t miss any of the action right here: ▶️ https://t.co/jHwymIYgSF pic.twitter.com/GrsfMkQiZC
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) July 5, 2022
Bear Country (Bear Bronson and Bear Boulder) def. Adrian Alanis and Liam Gray in a Tag Team Match.
#BearCountry (@bearbronsonBC/@bear_boulder) pick up the victory with a big time senton in the corner, here on #AEWDark! Catch the action right here: ▶️ https://t.co/jHwymJfRKd pic.twitter.com/HuMiV0f6G7
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) July 5, 2022
A.Q.A def. Avery Breaux in a Women’s Division Singles Match.
Flipping neckbreaker gets the win for @AQAOfficial10 here on #AEWDark! Don't miss a huge night of action over on our YouTube channel: ▶️ https://t.co/jHwymJfRKd pic.twitter.com/8SiK5YsBQa
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) July 5, 2022
Josh Woods def. Barrett Brown in a Singles Match.
Big time throw to set up the submission victory for the #TechnicalBeast @woodsisthegoods here on #AEWDark, with @MarkSterlingEsq and his client @TonyNese watching very carefully by ringside ?
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) July 5, 2022
Catch all the action tonight right here: ▶️ https://t.co/jHwymJfRKd pic.twitter.com/ShYbGpl9YX
Sonny Kiss def. Lamar Diggs in a Singles Match.
.@LamarDiggs_Pro was left with no choice but to tap out and @SonnyKissXO gets the win tonight on #AEWDark! Don't miss the rest of the action tonight! ▶️ https://t.co/jHwymJfRKd pic.twitter.com/YXnfrAwJah
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) July 5, 2022
Fuego Del Sol def. Aaron Solo in a Singles Match.
The antics of #TheFactory were not going to deter @FuegoDelSol from claiming that W tonight on #AEWDark, leaving @QTMarshall and @AaronSoloAEW furious! ▶️ https://t.co/jHwymJfRKd pic.twitter.com/svsjWzUm0K
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) July 5, 2022
Jay Lethal and Satnam Singh def. Darian Bengston and Gus De La Vega in a Tag Team Match.
?Another dominate victory for the team of @TheLethalJay and #OneInABillion @hellosatnam here on #AEWDark! Coming up next is the main event; check it out here! ▶️ https://t.co/jHwymJfRKd pic.twitter.com/JFB03XltQL
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) July 5, 2022
Dark Order (Evil Uno, Preston “10” Vance, John Silver and Alex Reynolds) def. The Wingmen (“Pretty” Peter Avalon, Ryan Nemeth, JD Drake and Cezar Bononi) in an 8-Man Tag Team Match.
And that's what you call teamwork! #DarkOrder (@EvilUno/@YTAlexReynolds/@Pres10Vance/@SilverNumber1) with an impressive victory over #TheWingmen tonight on #AEWDark in our main event! If you missed any of the action, catch up right here: ▶️ https://t.co/jHwymJfRKd pic.twitter.com/nKNlcFjuDs
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) July 6, 2022
That concludes this week’s episode of AEW Dark.