All Elite Wrestling brings to you their Fyter Fest PPV Event which takes place from Ocean Center in Daytona Beach, Florida.
Advertised for tonight’s PPV: Kenny Omega and The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) takes on The Lucha Brothers (Pentagon Jr. & Fenix) and Laredo Kid in a Six-Man Tag Team Match, Jon Moxley faces “Bad Boy” Joey Janela in a Non-Sanctioned Match, Cody Rhodes battles Darby Allin in a Singles Match, “Hangman” Adam Page faces MJF, Jungle Boy & Jimmy Havoc in a Four-Way Match, Yuka Sakazaki takes on Riho & Nyla Rose in a Three-Way Match, “The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels battles CIMA in a Singles Match, Michael Nakazawa faces Jebailey in a Hardcore Match on The Buy In Pre-Show, SCU (“The Heavy Metal Rebel” Frankie Kazarian & Scorpio Sky) takes on Private Party (Marq Quen & Isiah Kassidy) and Best Friends (Chuckie T & Trent Beretta) in a Three-Way Match also on The Buy In Pre-Show with the winner advancing to All Out for a shot at a first round bye in The AEW World Tag Team Championship Tournament and Kylie Rae faces Leva Bates (with Peter Avalon) also on The Buy In Pre-Show.
Below are the full results from the show:
- Best Friends (Chuckie T & Trent Beretta) def. SCU (“The Heavy Metal Rebel” Frankie Kazarian & Scorpio Sky) and Private Party (Marq Quen & Isiah Kassidy) in a Three-Way Match to advance to All Out for a shot at a first round bye in The AEW World Tag Team Championship Tournament. After the match, The Dark Order (F.K.A. Super Smash Bros) (Evil Uno & Stu Grayson) appears on the big screen and say that they want to face Best Friends in their first-ever AEW Match. The lights go out in the building and The Dark Order’s minions have surrounded the ring. The lights go out again and they are gone with Best Friends still standing in the ring.
We head backstage where we see The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) worried about the show. They say that they are bleeding money and it’s too bad they couldn’t make a documentary about what’s going on. They then say that they realize the cameras are watching them and then talk about all the things going wrong with the show: bad food, no tents, kiddie pools. Kenny Omega then shows up. The Young Bucks says that they don’t even have their gear. Omega then says that they have new gear on the way this second and it will all work out. Matt Jackson then says that their new gear is great, but it blew through half the budget and now they can’t afford half the models on the stage. Matt Jackson then says that two of the models were taken to the back and two mannequins in bikinis were put in their place.
“The Librarians” Leva Bates & Peter Avalon are on the stage now. Avalon was hanging out in one of the tents. They exchange some words with each other. Avalon suddenly gets mad and sends one of the tents into the pool, then destroys one of the mannequins. Bates says that she knows there are a lot of gamers here, but there is so much more out there at their fingertips and inside a book. The crowd then boos and chants “we can’t read!” Bates then talks more about the power of books. Avalon & Bates then get into a shush-off as Allie’s music hits and she heads out. The crowd wasn’t sure what to make of that whole segment as they were pretty quiet for most of it.
- Allie def. “The Librarian” Leva Bates.
We see Kenny Omega playing roadie to help the musical acts get their things. Brandon Cutler stops him and says that he doesn’t need to do that as all of the bands are gone. Omega then looks really worried and tells the cameraman to turn the camera off.
- Michael Nakazawa def. Alex Jebailey in a Hardcore Match.
Jon Moxley then cuts a quick promo by telling the camera that if you don’t know who or what Jon Moxley is, you are about to find out.
- CIMA def. “The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels.
- Riho def. Nyla Rose & Yuka Sakazaki in a Three-Way Match. After the match, Nyla Rose attacks Riho from behind and the crowd boos. Nyla Rose then looks for a beast bomb, but Yuka Sakazaki makes the save. Yuka Sakazaki double dropkicks Nyla Rose that sends her out to the floor. Yuka Sakazaki then tries to help Riho up, but she gets shoved away.
Kip Sabian then joins the commentary booth as he will be facing the winner of the upcoming Four-Way Match.
- “Hangman” Adam Page def. MJF, Jimmy Havoc & Jungle Boy in a Four-Way Match. After the match, Page & MJF yell at each other as MJF heads to the back.
- Cody Rhodes vs. Darby Allin ends in a 20-Minute time limit draw. After the match, more time was being considered to be given, but Shawn Spears comes down to the ring and smashes Cody Rhodes right in the head with a chair. Brandi Rhodes then gets in the ring and asks Shawn Spears what he is doing. The referee then gets between Brandi Rhodes & Shawn Spears. Spears then stares at Brandi Rhodes and makes his way out through the crowd. Cody Rhodes has a gash on the back of his head now with a sizeable pool of blood on the mat. MJF is in the ring and is not happy as he watches Shawn Spears leave. Scorpio Sky & Frankie Kazarian make their way out to the ring to check on Cody Rhodes. Commentary does a good job of putting over how sickening that was for Shawn Spears to hit Cody Rhodes with a steel chair. That match and post-match segment was wild.
- Kenny Omega & The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) def. The Lucha Brothers (Pentagon Jr. & Fenix) & Laredo Kid in a Six-Man Tag Team Match. After the match, Kenny Omega & The Young Bucks celebrate. Omega tells the other team to jump in the ring. They jaw a bit, but Pentagon, Fenix & Laredo Kid celebrate a bit in the ring. Omega then shakes hands with everyone ringside and makes his way to the back.
Jim Ross then puts over the show and says that it is officially over, but we still have a Non-Sanctioned Match between Jon Moxley & “Bad Boy” Joey Janela.
- Jon Moxley def. “Bad Boy” Joey Janela in a Non-Sanctioned Match. After the match, Kenny Omega attacks Jon Moxley and beats the hell out of him. This is his revenge for Moxley attacking him at the end of Double Or Nothing after his loss to Chris Jericho. Omega suplexes Moxley on the floor. Omega then puts the table over Moxley and hits a big double stomp on him. Moxley then tries to fight back, but Omega gets on him and continues to swing away. Omega then sends Moxley face-first into the drum kit out near the stage. Omega then hits Moxley with some drum sticks, then grabs the electric guitar and cracks Moxley on his back with it before backing away. The referees then help Moxley up the ramp, but he ends up shoving them away. Omega then runs out with a garbage can and cracks Moxley a bunch of times. Omega then hits dirty deeds on Moxley on the trash can and stands tall as the show comes to a close.