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Chelsea Green Plans to Revive Divas Championship if She Wins Money in the Bank

One big thing: Chelsea Green aims to bring back the Divas Championship

WWE star Chelsea Green has declared her intention to revive the Divas Championship if she wins the Money in the Bank ladder match and successfully cashes in for the WWE Women’s Championship.

The details:

• Green secured a spot in the women’s Money in the Bank ladder match on the June 21 episode of SmackDown.
• She tweeted her plans to petition for changing the WWE Women’s Championship back to the Divas Championship upon winning.
• The Divas Championship was active from 2008 to 2016 before being replaced by the current Women’s Championship.

Why it matters:

Green’s statement has sparked discussion about the evolution of women’s wrestling in WWE. The transition from the Divas era to the current Women’s Revolution represents a significant shift in how female wrestlers are presented and respected in the industry.

By the numbers:

• The Divas Championship existed for 8 years (2008-2016).
• There were 26 total reigns of the Divas Championship.
• The longest reign was held by Nikki Bella at 301 days.

The big picture:

Green’s comment, while likely tongue-in-cheek, touches on a sensitive topic in women’s wrestling. The Divas era is often criticized for its focus on appearance over athletic ability, while the current era emphasizes in-ring skill and storytelling.

What’s next:

Green will compete in the Money in the Bank ladder match on July 1 in London. If she wins, it remains to be seen whether she will actually pursue her stated goal of bringing back the Divas Championship.

What do you think about Chelsea Green’s statement? Do you believe the Divas Championship should make a comeback or remain a part of WWE’s past? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.

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