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Cody Rhodes Reveals Secret Moment with The Undertaker at WrestleMania 4

One Big Thing

Cody Rhodes shared a special interaction he had with The Undertaker during the main event of WrestleMania 40, where The Deadman made a surprising appearance and confronted The Rock.

Key Takeaways

  • The Undertaker rolled into the ring with incredible speed, reminiscent of Ricochet or Chad Gable.
  • Before the lights cut out, The Undertaker winked at Cody Rhodes, creating a memorable moment for the new champion.
  • Rhodes described this as one of the most special moments ever, comparing it to legitimate magic.

Why It Matters

The Undertaker’s appearance at WrestleMania 40 not only added to the excitement of the main event but also showcased the respect and admiration he has for the younger generation of wrestlers, particularly Cody Rhodes. This moment highlights the significance of passing the torch and the impact that veteran wrestlers can have on the current roster.

Cody’s Reaction

Cody Rhodes was so moved by The Undertaker’s presence and their shared moment that he couldn’t sleep the night after WrestleMania. He even left The Undertaker a four-minute voice memo expressing his gratitude and the meaning of that night to him.

The Undertaker’s Legacy

The Undertaker’s ability to captivate audiences and create unforgettable moments, even with a simple gesture like a wink, is a testament to his enduring legacy in the world of professional wrestling. His presence at WrestleMania 40 not only added to the spectacle of the event but also showcased the respect he commands from his peers and fans alike.

What did you think of The Undertaker’s surprise appearance at WrestleMania 40, and how do you think it impacted Cody Rhodes’ championship victory? Leave a comment below!

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