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Goldberg’s Journey: From NFL to Wrestling Stardom

One big thing: Goldberg’s tough transition from NFL to pro wrestling

Former WWE and WCW champion Bill Goldberg recently opened up about his challenging move from professional football to the wrestling ring.

• Goldberg described the transition as “horrible” during an appearance on “Busted Open Radio.”
• He credits his football background for helping him endure the rigorous training at WCW’s Power Plant.
• The former NFL player emphasized that his past experiences prepared him for the challenges ahead.

Why it matters

Goldberg’s journey highlights the crossover potential between professional sports and wrestling, demonstrating how athletes can successfully transition between fields.

By the numbers

• Goldberg played in 14 NFL games over three seasons before entering pro wrestling.
• He went on to have a 173-match undefeated streak in WCW.

The big picture

Goldberg’s success story serves as an inspiration for other athletes considering a move to professional wrestling.

Key influences

• Sting: Goldberg credits “The Icon” for showing him how to balance wrestling with family life.
• The Steiner Brothers: Their competitive athletic backgrounds provided a blueprint for Goldberg’s adaptation to wrestling.

What they’re saying

“Sting, as a man, as a father, as a husband, showed me that it could be done. So, I followed his lead. He taught me through osmosis,” Goldberg said.

The bottom line

Goldberg’s transition from the NFL to pro wrestling, while difficult, paved the way for his iconic career in the squared circle.

What do you think about athletes transitioning from other sports to professional wrestling? Leave a comment below with your thoughts on how this impacts the industry.

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