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Hulk Hogan for President? WWE’s Corey Graves Weighs In

One big thing: WWE commentator Corey Graves discusses the potential pros and cons of a Hulk Hogan presidency.

Graves shared his thoughts on the “Over the Top with Beadle and Rosenberg” podcast, responding to Hogan’s recent tease about running for U.S. President.

• Graves called the idea “absolute insanity” when heard on an actual platform.
• He imagined Hogan in diplomatic situations, potentially causing political disasters.
• Graves acknowledged Hogan’s charisma but questioned his ability to handle serious matters.

Why it matters:

The connection between pro wrestling and politics has been a recurring theme, with several WWE personalities either running for office or teasing political aspirations.

By the numbers:

• Hogan previously announced his intention to run for president in 1998 for the 2000 election.
• Donald Trump, a WWE Hall of Famer, was elected President in 2016.

What they’re saying:

“Could you imagine a debate with Hogan?” Graves said. “Talk about the old WrestleMania promos where he’s talking about the planes going down into the ocean, and, ‘I’m gonna get all the Hulkamaniacs on my back and we’re gonna doggie paddle to…’ I mean, he’s got the charisma down.”

The big picture:

While Hogan’s charisma and popularity in the wrestling world are undeniable, Graves’ comments highlight the potential challenges a wrestler-turned-politician might face in handling complex global issues.

What’s next:

It remains to be seen if Hogan will follow through on his recent tease or if it’s just another instance of a wrestler flirting with the idea of entering politics.

What do you think about the possibility of Hulk Hogan running for president? Would his wrestling background be an asset or a liability in politics? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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