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John Laurinaitis Teams Up with Vince McMahon in Arbitration Move Against Janel Grant’s Lawsuit

One Big Thing

John Laurinaitis has joined forces with Vince McMahon to push for arbitration in the lawsuit filed by Janel Grant against them and the WWE, vehemently denying the accusations.

Key Details

  • Laurinaitis links up with McMahon to propose arbitration, seeking a private resolution to the public lawsuit.
  • Both men deny the allegations made by Janel Grant, aiming to keep the proceedings out of court.
  • The lawsuit brought by Grant centers on claims deeply tied to her time within WWE.

Why It Matters

The move to arbitration by Laurinaitis and McMahon represents a critical step in a high-profile case that intertwines personal allegations with professional wrestling’s backstage dealings. It underscores the lengths high-ranking individuals will go to manage disputes internally and the implications such actions may have on the industry’s public image.

Insights from the Case

  • The arbitration push indicates a preference for privacy and control over the public narrative surrounding the lawsuit.
  • Denying the accusations, both figures seek to maintain their positions and reputations within the professional wrestling world.
  • The outcome of this arbitration effort may set precedents for how similar cases are handled in the wrestling industry.


The attempt by Laurinaitis and McMahon to shift Janel Grant’s lawsuit into arbitration highlights a multifaceted approach to conflict resolution in the wrestling sphere, balancing legal strategies with public relations considerations.

How do you think this arbitration strategy will affect the perspectives of fans and insiders on WWE and its management’s handling of internal disputes? Leave a comment with your thoughts.

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