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Logan Paul Claims He’s Smarter Than Everyone in WWE, Except Cathy Kelly

One Big Thing

During his recent appearance on WWE’s The Bump, Logan Paul sparked controversy by claiming he’s smarter than everyone in WWE, except for Cathy Kelly. The current WWE United States Champion defended his use of brass knuckles and involving his friends in matches as a strategy to outsmart his opponents.

Key Takeaways

  • Logan Paul believes he’s playing “four-dimensional chess” while others in WWE have “peanut-sized brains.”
  • Paul and Cathy Kelly engaged in a playful exchange about their IQs, with Kelly revealing her score of 142 and membership in Mensa.
  • Logan Paul is set to face Cody Rhodes for the Undisputed WWE Title at the upcoming King and Queen of the Ring PLE.

Why It Matters

Logan Paul’s bold claims and controversial tactics have made him a polarizing figure in the WWE. His upcoming match against Cody Rhodes for the Undisputed WWE Title is a significant opportunity for the social media star to prove himself as a legitimate competitor in the wrestling world.

IQ Showdown

Logan Paul and Cathy Kelly’s exchange about their IQs showcased their contrasting personalities. While Paul laughed off Kelly’s claim of having a 142 IQ and being a member of Mensa, the interaction highlighted the different dynamics between the two WWE personalities.

Looking Ahead

As Logan Paul prepares for his high-stakes match against Cody Rhodes, fans will be eager to see if his self-proclaimed intelligence and unconventional strategies will be enough to secure the Undisputed WWE Title.

What do you think about Logan Paul’s claims of being smarter than everyone in WWE? Do you believe his controversial tactics will help him win the Undisputed WWE Title? Leave a comment below and join the discussion!

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