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Sami Zayn Confirms Leaving Raw Minutes Before Wyatt Sicks Debut

The One Big Thing

Intercontinental Champion Sami Zayn narrowly avoided the chaotic debut of Uncle Howdy and the Wyatt Sicks on this week’s WWE Raw, leaving the arena just minutes before the group attacked.

Key Details

  • Zayn left the show 5-10 minutes before the Wyatt Sicks’ debut
  • He found out about the incident from fans on social media
  • Zayn was tweeting about his comedy show presale when fans informed him of the attack

Why It Matters

The Wyatt Sicks’ debut has sent shockwaves through the WWE, with many superstars confirming their safety in the aftermath. Zayn’s close call highlights the unpredictable nature of the group’s actions and the potential danger they pose to the entire roster.

Zayn’s Reaction

“I get to my hotel and I tweet out the presale code for my comedy show and all of the replies from the fans are like, ‘Your co-workers have been killed, what are you doing tweeting out the comedy show?'” Zayn told Sportsnet.

The Bottom Line

As the WWE grapples with the fallout from the Wyatt Sicks’ debut, superstars like Sami Zayn are left to reflect on their close encounters and the uncertain future that lies ahead.

What do you think about the Wyatt Sicks’ shocking debut and the impact it will have on the WWE? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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