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TNA’s Eric Young on WWE’s Evolution Under Triple H

One big thing: Former WWE star Eric Young sees a positive shift in WWE’s approach under Triple H’s leadership.

Young, now with TNA Wrestling, believes the recent NXT-TNA crossovers are just the beginning of a new era of inter-promotional cooperation.

The details:

• Young told the Miami Herald, “It’s a great thing for pro wrestling in general. There’s just no reason why companies can’t work together to benefit everybody.”

• He praised Triple H’s influence: “You can see the difference in the product when someone like him is running it.”

• Recent crossovers include TNA stars Joe Hendry and Frankie Kazarian appearing in NXT, and NXT’s Tatum Paxley challenging for the TNA Knockouts Championship.

Why it matters:

This collaboration signals a potential shift in the wrestling industry, moving away from the traditionally siloed approach of major promotions.

• It offers fans fresh matchups and storylines.
• Smaller promotions like TNA gain exposure to WWE’s larger audience.
WWE benefits from the influx of new talent and creative possibilities.

The big picture:

Young sees these crossovers as “just the tip of the iceberg,” hinting at more extensive collaborations in the future.

• He referenced AJ Styles’ recent appearance in NOAH as another example of WWE’s openness to working with other promotions.

• Young emphasized that wrestling fans are the ultimate beneficiaries of these partnerships.

What’s next:

While no specific plans have been announced, the positive reception to these initial crossovers suggests we may see more inter-promotional events in the near future.

What do you think about the potential for more collaborations between WWE and other wrestling promotions? Leave your thoughts in the comments below!

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