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US Government Pauses Vince McMahon & WWE Lawsuit Amid Criminal Investigation

One Big Thing

The high-profile lawsuit against Vince McMahon, WWE, and John Laurinaitis filed by Janel Grant has been paused at the request of the US government, which is conducting its own criminal investigation into McMahon.

Key Points

  • Plaintiff Janel Grant consented to a request from the US attorney for the Southern District of New York to pause the suit on May 30.
  • Grant’s attorney, Ann Callis, stated that they will cooperate with all appropriate next steps.
  • Previous reports indicated that Southern District of New York attorneys have been leading a criminal investigation into sexual misconduct allegations against Vince McMahon.
  • The government submitted two new sealed documents to the docket and added a Notice of Appearance by Sarah Mortavai, an attorney for the Southern District of New York.

Why It Matters

The pause in the lawsuit and the ongoing criminal investigation by the US government highlight the severity of the allegations against Vince McMahon and the potential consequences he may face. The outcome of these investigations could have significant implications for McMahon and the WWE as a whole.

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