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WCW Alum Buff Bagwell Offers Update On Sobriety Journey, Crediting Faith and Love

One Big Thing

Former WCW star Buff Bagwell has opened up about his journey to sobriety, crediting his newfound faith and love for helping him stay on the right path.

Key Points

  • Bagwell admitted that taking “a couple of somas” and drinking beer became a pastime for him.
  • He emphasized the importance of finding something to replace drugs and alcohol, with his top three being God, his relationship with Stacy Brown, and his health.
  • Bagwell’s life has had many challenges, including a period where he worked as an adult entertainer and sex worker to pay off debts.

Why It Matters

Buff Bagwell’s story is one of redemption and the power of faith and love in overcoming addiction. His openness about his struggles and the role his newfound faith has played in his recovery can inspire others facing similar challenges. Bagwell’s journey also highlights the importance of finding healthy alternatives to fill the void left by substance abuse.

Bagwell’s Recent Accomplishments

Despite his past struggles, Bagwell has maintained a regular presence on the independent wrestling scene. He recently won the tag team titles in Memphis Wrestling alongside Big John Dalton, marking his first tag team title since 2010.

Question for Readers

What are your thoughts on Buff Bagwell’s journey to sobriety and the role faith and love have played in his recovery? Leave a comment below and share your perspective.

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