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WWE Confirms 7 New Signees for 2024 Next In Line Class

One big thing: WWE unveils 2024 Next In Line class

WWE has officially confirmed seven new signings for its 2024 Next In Line (NIL) class, marking a significant step in its talent recruitment strategy.

The details:

• The 2024 NIL class includes Bayley Humphrey, Darci Khan, Jeremy Cody, Abby Jacobs, Carlos Aviles, Jaiden Fields, and Sirena Linton.

• These athletes were previously introduced to the NXT audience on June 11.

• Three of the new signees were part of a larger group of 14 NIL recruits announced in December 2023.

Why it matters:

The NIL program, launched in December 2021, represents WWE’s commitment to scouting and developing young talent from diverse athletic backgrounds. This initiative provides a clear pathway for college athletes to transition into professional wrestling, potentially shaping the future of WWE’s roster.

By the numbers:

• 7 athletes confirmed for the 2024 NIL class
• 3 years since the NIL program’s inception
• 14 total NIL recruits announced in December 2023

The big picture:

WWE’s NIL program is part of a broader strategy to identify and nurture potential wrestling stars early in their athletic careers. By tapping into the college sports talent pool, WWE aims to create a sustainable pipeline of diverse, athletically gifted performers for its future programming.

What they’re saying:

While no direct quotes are available, WWE has described the NIL program as providing “a clear pathway from college athletics to WWE through collaborative partnerships with college athletes from diverse athletic backgrounds” on their company recruitment page.

As WWE continues to invest in young talent, what impact do you think these NIL signings will have on the future of professional wrestling? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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