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WWE Hall Of Famer Shawn Michaels Reveals His Most Underrated Matches

One Big Thing

WWE Hall of Famer Shawn Michaels recently discussed his most underrated matches, highlighting his encounters with Mick Foley (as Mankind) and Jeff Jarrett.

Key Points

  • Michaels considers his match against Mankind at WWF Mind Games in 1996 as one of his most underrated performances.
  • He believes that a more extensive storyline with Mick Foley could have led to “fantastic things.”
  • Michaels also cites his Intercontinental Championship match against Jeff Jarrett at In Your House 2: The Lumberjacks in 1995 as another underrated bout.

Shawn Michaels on his match with Mankind:

“Mick and I had a hell of a match at [WWF] Mind Games, but it was just a one-shot deal. And it’s one of those things that I always feel like had Mick and I had a better opportunity to have a much bigger storyline, we could have really done some fantastic things.”

Shawn Michaels on his chemistry with Jeff Jarrett:

“Jeff and I always had really good chemistry. I think [the matches against Foley and Jarrett] get mentioned a lot, but they don’t get brought up in the overall big story standpoint [of my career].”

Why It Matters

Shawn Michaels’ reflections on his underrated matches shed light on the depth of his career and the potential for memorable feuds that may have been overlooked. By highlighting these encounters, Michaels showcases the importance of chemistry between performers and the impact of well-crafted storylines in creating iconic moments in professional wrestling.

What do you think about Shawn Michaels’ most underrated matches? Are there any other overlooked gems in his career that deserve more recognition? Leave a comment below and share your thoughts!

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