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WWE Raw on Netflix: No More Censorship, Says Triple H

One big thing: WWE Raw on Netflix will be uncensored

Triple H revealed that when WWE Raw moves to Netflix in 2025, the show will no longer face censorship issues that currently plague its broadcast on traditional TV networks.

Why it matters

• This shift could lead to a more authentic and unfiltered wrestling experience for viewers.
• It may allow for more creative freedom in storylines and promos.
• The move could potentially attract a wider audience looking for edgier content.

By the numbers

WWE Raw has been on the air since 1993.
• The Netflix deal, starting in 2025, is reportedly worth $5 billion over 10 years.

What they’re saying

Triple H on the Pat McAfee Show:

“Netflix is a completely different animal. It’s a streaming service, how are commercials going to work? How are breaks going to work? What’s the length of time? What are the restrictions? What are not restrictions?”

The big picture

• The move to Netflix represents a significant shift in how wrestling content is distributed and consumed.
• It could potentially lead to changes in the overall production and presentation of WWE Raw.

Between the lines

While Triple H highlighted the removal of censorship, it’s unclear if WWE will actively pursue edgier content or maintain its current PG rating.

What to watch

• How WWE will balance its family-friendly image with the potential for more adult-oriented content.
• Whether this move will influence other wrestling promotions to seek similar streaming partnerships.

The bottom line

The transition to Netflix marks a new era for WWE Raw, potentially offering fans a more authentic and unrestricted viewing experience.

What do you think about WWE Raw moving to Netflix and the potential for uncensored content? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.

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