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WWE Raw Viewership Climbs with 1.52 Million Average on USA Network

As the bustling world of professional wrestling continues to entertain fans across the globe, WWE’s flagship program, Monday Night Raw, has witnessed an encouraging uptick in viewership numbers. According to the latest figures from USA Network, Raw’s average viewership ascended to an impressive 1,522,000 watchers, showing a marked improvement over the previous week’s 1,391,000 viewer benchmark.

Delving deeper into the ratings game, the 18-49 demographic remains a critical measure of a show’s health and appeal. On this front, Monday Night Raw also experienced a rise, capturing a 0.47 rating which edges out the previous week’s 0.43. Such numbers reflect not only the show’s lasting allure but also its capacity to rejuvenate and attract key audience segments.

While the comparative figures for the Monday Night Football battle between the Los Angeles Chargers and New York Jets are not available due to Nielsen’s rating data issues, historical data provides context for Raw’s performance. Casting our minds back to the same week in prior years, November 7, 2022, had drawn 1,593,000 viewers accompanied by a 0.43 rating, while the November 8, 2021, installment of Raw attracted 1,549,000 viewers, garnering a 0.40 rating, as reported by

The hourly breakdown of this week’s Raw further shows an intriguing pattern among the audience’s stay rates. The show commenced with a strong opening hour at 8 PM, drawing 1,610,000 viewers. As the night progressed, there was a slight dip to 1,560,000 viewers at the 9 PM slot. The final hour continued the downward trend, rounding out the night with 1,400,000 viewers.

The analysis of these numbers provides valuable insights into the ebb and flow of viewership throughout the broadcast. WWE continues to navigate the competitive waters of prime time television, bolstered this week by its increasing viewership figures. In an ever-changing media landscape, WWE’s ability to maintain and expand its audience is a testament to the enduring appeal of its brand of sports entertainment.

As we monitor the patterns and shifts in viewership, Raw’s steady climb is cause for optimism within the industry. The increasing ratings, especially in the sought-after demographic group, suggest a robust engagement that WWE would hope to build upon in the weeks ahead. For the wrestling enthusiast and industry analyst alike, these metrics not only measure performance but also anticipate the future as WWE Raw continues to be a mainstay in the world of professional wrestling entertainment.

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