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WWE’s Inconsistent Storytelling: The Wyatt Sicks and Chad Gable Controversy

One big thing: WWE faces accusations of sabotaging the Wyatt Sicks faction

WWE’s storytelling inconsistencies have come under fire following Chad Gable’s miraculous recovery from a devastating attack by the Wyatt Sicks.

The details:

• Gable was “essentially killed off” during the Wyatt Sicks’ chaotic debut last week.
• He appeared on this week’s RAW fully recovered, competing in a Money in the Bank qualifier match.
• Gable defeated Braun Strowman and Bronson Reed, thanks to a distraction from The Judgment Day.

Why it matters:

This inconsistency undermines the credibility of the new Wyatt Sicks faction and raises questions about WWE’s long-term storytelling plans.

What they’re saying:

Vince Russo, speaking on Sportskeeda Wrestling’s Legion of RAW, criticized WWE’s handling of the situation:

• “Six people couldn’t hurt Gable but McIntyre put Punk out. What do you call when you set somebody up for failure? What’s the word I’m looking for? Sabotage.”
• Russo suggested that WWE might be intentionally setting up the Wyatt Sicks for failure.

The big picture:

• This incident highlights ongoing concerns about WWE’s consistency in storytelling and character development.
• It also draws comparisons to other recent storylines, such as CM Punk’s attack by Drew McIntyre on SmackDown.

What’s next:

• Bo Dallas, a member of the Wyatt Sicks, made his return on RAW this week, potentially signaling more focus on the faction.
• Fans and critics will be watching closely to see how WWE develops the Wyatt Sicks storyline moving forward.

Do you think WWE is intentionally sabotaging the Wyatt Sicks faction, or is this just a case of inconsistent storytelling? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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