Sounds impossible, right? It sure did to me when I sat down at my desk this morning and got the lead. But as it turns out, this may actually truly go down, and a heck of a lot sooner than you’d think, dear readers.
Of course Sammy Guevara is on his way to becoming one of the truly great wrestlers of his generation. If it isn’t his in-ring ability, then it’s his abilities on the microphone that do it. The guy has “future” written all over his forehead and he’s humble about it too, which is refreshing to see for sure.
Ric Flair needs no introduction to any of you, dear readers, as he’s a legend in this industry for sure. Now that’s a bold understatement and I realize that (unavoidable sometimes in journalism, I’m afraid).
Regardless…the news that there is a promoter out there interested in booking this match recently broke, and according to webisjericho.com, Ric Flair seems pretty excited about the prospect as well.
It was actually Flair himself that broke the aforementioned news on a recent appearance on WOOOOO Nation Uncensored. He stated:
“There’s a promoter in Israel that wants me to wrestle your buddy, Sammy Guevara, in Israel. I said, “$100,000 and two first-class tickets, and I’m there. 50% and 50% after I beat Sammy.”
via Ric Flair
*In the aforementioned interview, Flair also goes into how upset he is with WWE and how open he is to working with AEW in the future. Spoiler Alert…he definitely is. More on that soon enough, dear readers and we’ll stay on top of that story and feed you developments as they happen with that story.
Sammy Guevara is the current TNT Champion and has since defended the championship multiple times successfully. Flair is currently 72 years old and despite his health issues from a few years back (he was actually at death’s door in 2017), he is in excellent shape right now. The last time he wrestled was for TNA back in 2011. He officially retired from in-ring competition in 2012 according to Wikipedia.com.

He started wrestling back in 1972 and was considered royalty in the NWA in his day and subsequently WCW. His career in WWE has been well documented over the years and Steve Austin has been quoted as saying that he feels that Ric Flair is the GOAT (Greatest of all-time).
In the aforementioned quote by Flair, he spices the whole deal up with that last part: “50% and 50% after I beat Sammy,” so talk about adding some heat to the situation. And in professional wrestling, heat is everything.
Flair has been shrouded in controversy since the airing of the Dark Side of the Ring episode detailing the events of a WWE flight from 2002, the goings-on quite detrimental to his reputation, as we reported at the time. The WWE talent and some of the execs (Vince McMahon and Jim Ross also on the flight, as well as other officials), were on their way home from the Insurrextion event which had taken place in London, England.
Essentially the allegations were made by a flight attendant (Heidi Doyle) stating that acts of sexual assault—advances both physical and verbal—were made by Flair on the flight in question. Other wrestlers were accused as well.
A possible debut for Flair in AEW was put on hold. He also subsequently lost some endorsement deals in the process.
The witness has since been discovered to be perhaps a tad untrustworthy, she having been tied up in a jewel theft ring as well. The event seems to be flowing in the direction of oblivion soon enough and perhaps this booking between Flair and Guevara can speed that along, but we’ll see soon enough, dear readers.
NEXT: Backstage News On Several AEW Contracts Set To Expire Soon