The news that Jeff Hardy was released by WWE took the internet by storm. The news came straight off the heels of Jeff’s appearance on The Broken Skull Sessions with Steve Austin, where he went into detail about his issues with narcotics and alcohol.
Of course, Jeff would be at a house show of WWE’s later that week after the episode aired for the first time on the WWE Network, and seem to be under the influence of something, leading people to believe that he had slipped off of the wagon.
Of course because of WWE’s wellness program, Jeff’s issues have always been brought to light, he often a scapegoat, but so many pro wrestlers fall down that path, and often they skirt by unnoticed.
Jeff Hardy is a man that has worked on his issues and has always been honest about them. Maybe he fell off the wagon, but that in no way changes the fact that he’s truly one of the good ones – inside and out – and we wish him the absolute best and a speedy recovery.
Someone else that’s always been in his corner is of course his brother, Matt. He alerted fans on social media that his brother was okay after the incident and that he was with family, but a few days later, he couldn’t help but tease a possible reunion with his brother and perhaps at AEW of all places.
This has been rumored for quite some time, and Jeff’s release makes that possible sooner rather than later. It was on social media that Matt would release this nugget of hope for Hardy Boyz fans:
“I feel xtremely good about the future…”
via Matt Hardy /Twitter
Team Xtreme encompassed the two brothers and of course Lita, so who knows what the future holds, but it looks Xtreme in scope, to say the least and there are those that couldn’t be happier about that.
I feel xtremely good about the future.
— MATT HARDY (@MATTHARDYBRAND) December 11, 2021
Matt and Jeff worked the indies together, Impact Wrestling and of course WWE where they had legendary careers. Before any of this happens though, we hope that Jeff settles any issues he has, if need be, before resuming with his legendary career and perhaps finishing it off right, and as he would want it to end.
“We are made from broken parts…
We are broken from the start…”
-“We Are” by the Hollywood Undead
Hook is All Elite
And it was after his first match on AEW TV on Rampage last night, that Hook was signed officially by AEW. He obviously had made many appearances as part of Team Taz, the AEW faction led by his father, Taz, and what an impression he made.
His in-ring technique was of course above par…he showing shades not only of his father, but of Cody Rhodes too, which makes sense, as he has had extensive training at the Nightmare Academy, as have so many others. Many within AEW – including his father, Taz, and CM Punk – spoke extremely well of the 22 year old prodigy.
Mick Foley visits with Jim Ross
Mick Foley let fans know that he went to visit with an old friend. Jim Ross and he go way back, quite obviously and it was on an episode of Wrestling Inc Daily that he spoke of his visit, letting all know that Jim is doing well during his treatment for skin cancer. Mick said:
“It was great and Jim is doing really well…The thing is, it wasn’t really that nice of a gesture because I should’ve done it a long time ago. Jim and I only live an hour apart. It’s something I should’ve been doing more regularly anyway. But it was great to catch up, and now that we know how close I am? Jacksonville is one of the only places in the Southeastern United States that has a What-A-Burger…
I travel regularly. The one thing the pandemic did for me is it made me see that I don’t like flying. When I go to visit my mom, I would rather drive. I’m lucky that I can do these one-man wrestling storytelling shows, book a show or two on my way up to New York, book a show or two on the way back, stop by a What-A-Burger, visit good old JR. It’s a good way to spend the day.”
via Wrestling Inc Daily (Link above in text)
NEXT: Tony Khan on Sting’s Time in WWE

Lance Spicoli
December 12, 2021 at 7:17 pm
Jeff needs to take care of his demons 1st and IF he gets healthy (lifelong unsuccessful battle for Jeff so far) then maybe return to the ring…unfortunately the lifestyle of wrestling is too much of a temptation for an addict and probably not the right environment for Jeff…unless someone takes Jeff under their wing to remain sober on the road (like a cm punk) i wouldn’t advise a return to wrestling now…Jeff needs to make better choices and decide to b sober…he can kill someone in the ring or hurt someone when using and wrestling…shameful waste of a talented guy…don’t b selfish Jeff, get better, get sober and ONLY return if u can remain that way.