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The One Big Thing: The Rock vs. Roman Reigns Was A Lock For WrestleMania 40, Says WWE Write

The Original Plan

According to former WWE writer Brian Gewirtz, The Rock vs. Roman Reigns was a “lock” for the main event of WrestleMania 40. The plan was set in motion during a meeting in San Diego on January 1st, involving Gewirtz, The Rock, Triple H, and Nick Khan.

Key Points:

  • The Rock’s promo with Jinder Mahal on the January 1st episode of WWE Raw was a test to gauge audience reaction to a potential Rock vs. Reigns match.
  • The overwhelmingly positive response to The Rock teasing the “head of the table” solidified the plan for the WrestleMania 40 main event.
  • Extensive merchandise and title belt designs were created in anticipation of the match.

The Cody Rhodes Conundrum

Gewirtz questioned the decision to have Cody Rhodes win the 2024 Men’s Royal Rumble, as it complicated the original plan for The Rock vs. Reigns.

Gewirtz’s Perspective:

  • Having CM Punk win the Royal Rumble and challenge Seth Rollins would have been the “cleanest” booking decision.
  • Rhodes winning the Rumble changed the dynamic, as his character would naturally focus on challenging Reigns rather than stepping aside.

Plans Unravel

A series of events, including CM Punk’s injury and the need to promote a WrestleMania main event, led to the original plan being scrapped.

Turning Point:

  • The “infamous” promo in Birmingham, Alabama marked a shift in the storyline’s direction.
  • Gewirtz hinted that the original plan was something that many fans “would have hated more than anything in life itself.”

Why It Matters

The behind-the-scenes insight provided by Brian Gewirtz sheds light on the complex nature of booking major wrestling events like WrestleMania. The revelations highlight the challenges faced by creative teams in balancing long-term storytelling with unexpected circumstances and the need to adapt on the fly.

What do you think about the original plan for The Rock vs. Roman Reigns at WrestleMania 40? Would you have preferred to see that match, or are you satisfied with how the event ultimately unfolded? Leave a comment and share your thoughts!

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