What does Bryan Danielson think of his recent 30-minute match against Kenny Omega that ended in a draw? Read on to find out…
They’ve faced each other before. That’s a fact, and they’ll face each other again down the line, and when that day comes, it’ll be something to see for sure, and with as much momentum behind it as Flair vs. Hogan did back in 1994 heading into Bash at the Beach over in WCW.
via 365 Pro Wrestling /YouTube
That match had been promised by WWE (then WWF) and it never happened. Well, Turner delivered the match and say what you will about the end result…the hype was huge.
It’s pretty safe to assume that another epic match featuring Omega and Danielson wouldn’t end up as the Bash at the Beach match did with Flair and Hogan (which wasn’t terrible). People are still reeling from their very first confrontation in AEW. In fact, there are those still reeling from the many battles the two had in their earlier careers, but that’s another story altogether.
And do you know who else is reeling from the match? That would be one Bryan Danielson. He made some statements regarding the match while speaking with Jim Varsallone. He said:
“…Honestly, I don’t worry until a day or two later if a match was good or not. Like, I honestly don’t worry about it. I’m no longer at that point in my career where I question if something was good. This is how I approach wrestling…When I get excited, I want to do the best I can when I go out there. But when I’m out there, I want to enjoy it, so my reaction to whether it’s good or not is whether I enjoyed it…the match against Kenny Omega, I was literally buzzing… I hadn’t wrestled in April, I’m 4o years old, right? Like, it’s like, ‘Oh no, I got dragon suplexed on a ramp…I took some hits, and afterwards, I was buzzing to the point that I couldn’t really sit down. I just felt so good, right, and the energy and all that stuff.”
via jim varsallone (jimmyv3 channel) /Wrestling Inc (Transcription)
And what did he rate this confrontation with his old friend and colleague?
“…I wasn’t worried if we knocked it out of the park or hit a grand slam, I worry about, ‘Did I enjoy what I just did?’ And as far as my enjoyment, that’s a 10/10 as far as you look at, ‘Okay, well which matches did you enjoy the most?’ If you rank everything on a scale of 1 to 10, that was a 10/10 enjoyment for me in the sense that there are only a handful of matches that are even comparable. So yeah, to me, it was just a ton of fun. And then what I do after is a day or two later, I’ll go back and watch it, and that’s where I’ll pick myself apart. And that’s the point that I go back and learn, and so…‘Did we do a good job?’ Then all of a sudden, you aren’t enjoying it as much as you could…”
via jim varsallone (jimmyv3 channel) /Wrestling Inc (Transcription)
So like the rest of us, Danielson, “The American Dragon,” is enjoying the ride, and for all that it’s worth, and to us, and him…it seems to be worth quite a lot.
Domenic Marinelli is an author and freelance writer/journalist. His work has appeared in The Sportster, E-Wrestling News, Pro Wrestling News Hub, CFL News Hub, XFL News Hub, Ringside News, Daily DDT, USFL News Hub, Slam Wrestling, as well as other print and internet publications. He is the author of Generic V, Summer of the Great White Wolf, His Old Tapes (stories & poetry), Across a Dark River in Palermo and so many others. He lives in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. https://linktr.ee/AuthorDomenicMarinelli