Images via: AS-Empire Online, Hook-Pro Wrestling Wiki Fandom
Hook has taken AEW by storm. Even before he started having one-on-one matches he was a scene stealer as part of Team Taz, his real life father’s faction that consists of Ricky Starks, Powerhouse Hobbs and at one time consisted of Brian Cage as well.
Well, his in-ring debut came and went and since then he has become quite the fan favorite and a force of one in the squared circle. His matches are tight, fast-paced and from move to move they are executed perfectly, and for a twenty-three year old, that’s definitely saying something. The word prodigy certainly comes to mind.
As for his physique, which in pro wrestling still matters…despite the fact that many pro wrestlers aren’t exactly in the best shape these days, or at least a few of them aren’t…those with impressive physiques still turn quite a few heads and collectively get that stamp of approval from that portion of the audience that understands what it takes day in and day out to achieve that level of physical fitness.
Hook knows exactly what goes into it. He’s a former lacrosse player and martial artist and he’s no stranger to the weight room. He was ranked 7th by Inside Lacrosse and he received all-state honors for his efforts on the lacrosse field.
About his weight training he had this to say as he spoke to GQ:
“Six days a week, I’m in the weight room…Lifting. Cardio. I’m in there for a few hours. It’s my favorite part of the day. It’s therapeutic for me. It’s difficult with travel sometimes but I also try and get in the ring two days a week…I train mostly with a bodybuilding psychology…
I base my workouts off of what I’m seeing in the mirror. Like Arnold (Schwarzenegger) said one time, you can carve yourself out of stone. If you know how to pinpoint spots that you want to hit and build up, then you can start to develop a certain aesthetic and look for yourself.”
via Hook, speaking w/ GQ /Wrestling Inc. (Transcription)
Of course Arnold Schwarzenegger took pro bodybuilding to levels it had never reached. He is a 7-time Mr. Olympia Champion and he retired undefeated, still on top…he stepped away from it a champion (despite a few losses early in his career, once he started to win, that was it). His film career and philanthropy speak for itself, and of course he was governor of the state of California as well.
via Raiden Motivation /YouTube
It is his bodybuilding knowledge though, that is still sought after…his books on the subject are still best-sellers and his theory of “positive visualization,” although seemingly quite the stuff of wizardry, helped a lot of people attain their bodybuilding goals.
Schwarzenegger would actually tell people to visualize their muscles getting bigger and if that was done with a certain level of conviction, then they would. Try it if you don’t believe him.
One such person who most certainly believes in Arnold’s theories is obviously Hook, and the proof is in the pudding, dear readers.
Hook is in cahoots with Danhausen right now and the two have a load of chemistry. It’ll be interesting to see just how far they can take this angle.
Domenic Marinelli is an author and freelance writer/journalist. His work has appeared in The Sportster, E-Wrestling News, Pro Wrestling News Hub, CFL News Hub, XFL News Hub, Ringside News, Daily DDT, USFL News Hub, Slam Wrestling, as well as other print and internet publications. He is the author of Generic V, Summer of the Great White Wolf, His Old Tapes (stories & poetry), Across a Dark River in Palermo and so many others. He lives in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.