Hello everyone this is Salty William the artist formerly known as Salty Sea Dog.
To answer Mr. 4th Row’s question of the week: the Inner Circle would beat the Pinnacle in a full length backyard basketball game 11 to 3. Then they would have to play the Super Elite for the championship. Sammy would hit the winning two point shot in overtime for the Inner Circle win 12 to 10. If anyone wants to know how this would happen, I will break down both games for them. saltywilliampwnh@gmail.com
What an amazing week for AEW Wrestling. It has been an amazing week in Salty William’s life as well. Learned five Iron Maiden songs on the guitar, new album for Iron Maiden, made a stand for purity in Jesus, and got offered to be an opinion columnist for Pro Wrestling News Hub. This is my first article for PWNH. For this I am grateful to God in Christ Jesus, to Mr. Mark, to Mr. 4th Row and all of his listeners.
My emails will now be called the “weekly salt” and this is Salty William’s weekly AEW review on PWNH.
I used to write a little bit about some of the wrestling matches I watched as a kid and teenager. I still have 50 plus wrestling magazines up to the year 1995.
In personal news, Salty William will be going for his first postoperative appointment for his new hip. I am hoping to be 100% so I can do a running clothesline to my brothers soon.
The match I want to suggest this week is NoWayOut Brock Lesnar versus Eddie Guerrero. Watch the Eddie Guerrero Addict Promo before watching this match. This match blew me away because I only knew Eddie Guerrero from his WCW days.
Also just a little bit of extra about myself my wife’s last name is Guerrero which means warrior in Spanish. After watching the match I was trying to somehow help it be changed to a five star match.
OR. #NoWayOutBrockVsGuerreroFiveStars
Well this is trending absolutely nowhere especially on Twitter but maybe you guys can help me out! Maybe in six months I will try again!
I am finding out that commentary is so important. Especially commentators that have a knowledge of wrestling moves. Now Excalibur has a knowledge of the wrestling and moves in the year 2000 and up. Taz has old school knowledge. In his WWE days he casually mentions the move STF means stepover toehold facelock In a match. I have been wanting to know the definition since the early 1990s when I first saw Eddie Guerrero apply the hold.
Sticking to the commentators booth, the commentators were on fire this Dark Elevation! They had the always entertaining any Kingston join Paul Wright and Tony Schiavone. Eddie Kingston once again mentioned that he is afraid of loud noises and any fireworks. It is amazing how AEW always finds a way to pull storylines together. I kind of laughed at Eddie Kingston but I also respected how he sold the fact that he passed out at Revolution saving his friend Jon Moxely. I have been deathly afraid of fireworks since I got traumatized as a kid. This past week my daughter spilled a box of bright beads right beside me as I was sitting on the stool next to my island with my walker. My brain heard loud noises while bright lights flashed before my eyes. I ran away as fast as I could without my walker and was hanging on to the couch before my family had to pick me up. My wife asked me why I did such a foolish thing and ran on my new hip. After thinking about it I told her about how I thought it was fireworks right next to me. I was in a lot of pain for the next couple of days. So it is very possible that Kingston and I have PTSD from loud noises and bright flashes.
Jungle Boy versus Marc Quin was very fun. Jungle Boy won with the move that might elevate him to championship status, the snare trap. Kingston and Wright talked about Red, one of the innovators of this high flying evolution of wrestling. The amazing Red has his own wrestling school “house of glory” and was trained by Mickey Whimpwreck, one of AEW’s trainers.
Amber Nova and Yuka Sakazaki had a very competitive match. Amber Nova is really impressive in her few matches with AEW. I would be really surprised if AEW does not sign her soon to their rehabilitated women’s roster.
Now since AEWis touring again Dark will be different. They can have more competitive main roster matches with a shorter run time on YouTube. In one of the few female non-title grudge matches Diamante defeated Big Swole. It would be great if Ivelisse would come back so they can win the first women’s tag team titles together.
In this week’s Dark main event, we had another non Dynamite storyline advance. The Varsity Blonds with cheerleader Juliia Hart and Top Flight’s Daunte Martin won the match against the Acclaimed with Ryan Namath. Top Flight’s Dante Martin jumped halfway above the ring post to the wrestlers on the floor. The experienced announcers especially Taz were awe-struck. Then Ryan Namath was so confused about what just happened that he lost the match by pinfall.
Now let’s talk about the July 28th episode of AEW’s Dynamite. In my salty opinion this was one of the most surprising Dynamites to date. The funny thing is I see in the near future some more exciting and surprising Dynamites around the bend.
First off AEW is magicians because the Dark Order are crowd favorites. Yes this would have not happened if the Exalted One Brodie Lee did not lead them and hit them with newspapers on Being the Elite. They were a laughing stock before that and now John Silver, a wrestler that was used only in squash tag matches at the beginning of AEW, is now one most beloved wrestlers in all of AEW. The friendship with Hangman Adam Page has been the best piece of the Hangman’s redemption arc.
THE SUPER ELITE are some of the best wrestlers that are heels in the whole business. This is where we got our 1st CM Punk tease when the Elite came down as basketball players in Space Jam (which the original focused on Jordan the Chicago legend)
This was an entertaining match. Johny Hungry in his first match back was able to run wild for a little bit.
It was very surprising that everything pointed to AEW towards Omega vs Page in the main event of All Out 2021! Now the fans have to wait for Adam Page to have a world title match another time. Who will be Omega’s opponent for one of AEW’s biggest events a year?
Andrade says that he will take away Pac’s death triangle stable. Very interested if that happens who will join Pac. I really have no idea at all.
In a funny short segment that we all knew what was going to happen Brian Cage took a big drum and slammed it through somebody’s head during Ricky Starks FTW championship win celebration.
Okay I would say now the forbidden door is now 80% open. It will be 100% open when they announce a combined AEW, IMPACT WRESTLING, and New Japan wrestling pay per view. I am saying that because nobody thought Tahashasi would put out the challenge for the IWGP US championship on AEW tv.
Jon Moxely then had a very passionate rebuttal promo with flask in hand saying something like, he will go to Japan and destroy everyone.
One of the scariest moments of the evening was when Cash accidentally cut his arm. I am saying this with the Nick Gage death match on the card. Cash’s arm injury looked gruesome. FTR picked up the win but we all know in some way the finish must have been changed. We all at the PWNH family hope and pray for Cash to have a full recovery.
Now Pittsburgh’s own Britt Baker is angry that she is always getting injured by these careless wrestlers, especially Nyla Rose. In my salty opinion I believe Nyla Rose should take a little time off from TV to work on her safety in the ring. Can’t wait to shout DMD when AEW comes to Pittsburgh. It is amazing how Brit Baker transformed from this happy green wrestler when she was in Pittsburgh for AEW to now. She is one of the most confident well-rounded wrestlers in the business. I would also say the very best heel at the moment in all of wrestling.
Then we had two more not so subtle CM Punk hints. First AEW decides to have the largest venue to date on an upcoming Rampage. It will be from the United Center in Chicago August 20th. I don’t know if AEW is prepared for this but if Punk is not there Chicago will seriously riot.
Then another CM Punk hint when Darby Allin with Sting next to him says something like “this is the place where you must prove yourself as a wrestler even if you think you are the best in the world!”
I think Tony Khan was making sure everyone would hear these not so subtle hints to buy the United Center show Rampage tickets as soon as possible because they literally have 18 days to sell almost 18,000 tickets. AEW is very bold!
The US IWGP championship match was almost a squash match by Lance Archer. I think Archer will retain against Tahashasi in Japan.
The next two segments showed us how AEW uses top wrestlers.
Malikai Black ruined Cody Rhodes. Then destroyed any one that tried to stop him.
Miro then kept his AEW title reign with the frightening Redeemer warning any challengers.
Jurassic Express with Christian versus the HFO was really just a way to keep the storyline going, HFO lost but Blade hit Christian with the brass knuckles as Matt Hardy smiled from a distance.
Thunder Rosa then had a spotlight match against Julia Hart. Rosa is one of the best and most over wrestlers in the whole company. I would love to see Thunder Rosa versus Britt Baker DMD in a steel cage in the main event at All Out 2021 for the title.
Main event time and it was so funny how after Dynamite TNT was over they put a warning for their movie of the night “Law Abiding Citizen” because of violence.
Jericho once again proved to me that he can get anything over. His Pain Maker gimmick including a mask looked legitimately scary. It was fun then to see MJF at the commentators booth with some popcorn to view the pain and agony Jericho was going to have because of Nick Gage.
Okay I was just going to say watch this match if you like violence. It was a long shot that AEW on live tv was going to let Nick Gage do whatever he wanted to do, but AEW did. A pizza company even got mad when Nick Gage in picture and picture was cutting Chris Jericho’s face with a pizza cutter. Their commercial just happened to come on when Gage was using the pizza cutter. Jericho won this brutal match and tried to convince us that he is the craziest wrestler to come out of Canada, not Abdullah the Butcher. MJF stopped the music and paraphrased the beginning of CM punk’s famous pipe bomb by saying something like as you sit there as uncomfortable as possible MJF told Jericho his next opponent. In another way that AEW does not throw away any lines at all, MJF has Juventud Guerrera as Jericho’s next Labor. The match can only be won by a move from the top rope.
One of the very best Dynamites ever!
Salty Williams wrestlers of the week
Honorable mentions: Diamante and Daunte Martin
#5 Thunder Rosa
#4 Jungle Boy
#3 Kenny Omega
#2 Malikai Black
#1 Jericho (I was one of those people who thought Jericho should only be a commentator )
I think we will have a little bit of a breather with next week’s Dynamite.
I think the biggest question right now is what matches do we have for all out. I have no idea who will face Omega. The Young Bucks also do not have competitors at this time so I cannot even guess. Miro is going on a destruction journey but I do not know who would be his next opponent. It is pointing towards Baker and Thudernder Rosa which will be an awesome match. Also it is pulling towards Brian Cage versus Ricky Starks.
Watch AEW and shine bright,
Salty William